About Me

Studio based 121 yoga and pilates classes

Hi, I’m Jacqui—wife, mother, Yoga Teacher, ICF-accredited Transformational Coach, and Grief Coach. Having recently turned 50, I’m living in Devon with my family and our beloved dog, while my eldest son is based in Hertfordshire.

My journey has been shaped by profound loss and transformation. After the heartbreaking experience of losing two of my children, I went through a deep loss of identity. Hitting midlife brought new challenges, and I found myself living a life very different from the one I had planned. Through continuous work on myself, I’ve rebuilt my confidence, rediscovered who I am, and now feel content and strong in the life I lead today.

As an ICF-accredited Transformational Coach, I integrate my grief coaching into a broader approach that helps women navigate the various changes life throws at us. Grief isn’t only about the loss of a loved one—it can also stem from loss of identity, career, or sense of purpose. I know firsthand how overwhelming these transitions can be, and my goal is to support women through their own unique journeys.
I’m passionate about helping midlife women make positive changes in their lives. It’s about tuning into where we are now, gaining awareness of where we want to be, and then creating a plan to get there. Midlife can bring unexpected transitions—whether it’s career changes, children leaving home, navigating perimenopause or menopause, or caring for aging parents. These shifts can feel disorienting, but with the right support, we can turn them into opportunities for growth, clarity, and empowerment.

My coaching approach is all about helping you reconnect with yourself, regain your confidence, and create a future that excites you. I’ve walked this path myself, and I’m here to help you navigate yours.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my work is running retreats. These are powerful spaces where women come together to focus on self-care, growth, and connection. I love seeing the bonds that form, the personal transformations, and the incredible way women uplift and empower one another.

Whether through yoga, transformational coaching, or retreats, I’m here to help you step into your power, find clarity, and embrace midlife as a time of transformation and opportunity. Together, we can create the next chapter of your life—one that’s filled with growth, purpose, and joy.


Client Testimonials…

I absolutely loved it! I’m just sat here messaging my sister telling her how lovely it was. I’m going to sign up for the 4 week pass so look forward to more relaxing (and a bit of hard work too!) soon. x

See my current class options here..

Private One to One

Yoga Classes

Studio based 121 yoga and pilates classes

If you have a busy lifestyle and are unable to commit to scheduled class times, a private class can be more flexible to suit.  Ideal if you are a complete beginner to Yoga practice.

Group Studio

Yoga Classes

On Demand

I'm currently teaching a program of live classes from my Exmouth Yoga Studio.  Myself and two other teachers do a number of different types of classes to help men and women.  Click on the link below to view our current class schedule


e:   jacqui@jacquidoyle.co.uk

m:  07568 069342


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